After she has witnessed death, her mother going mad on her, and being violated to the soul I can see why. Build- On page 106 in paragraph 4- I feel that Elli has pretty much lost all hope and is giving up her life. She has witnessed that the SS are trying to find their weak spots to kill them.ģ. I’m saying that because Suri has forced herself and others to eat dirt, so that they will survive. Judge and Evaluate- On page 88 in paragraphs 4-8 - I realize that Elli’s cousin, Suri, is very brave and has a lot of courage even in the most dreadful settings. Yet she has been there for only a few months at a time.Ģ. My prediction is that when Elli states things saying that she has only survived through one day in such a low emotion, by the time she gets out of the camps its felt like one thousand years of torture.

Predict- Throughout all of the first and second sections- I have made a prediction about the title I Have Lived a Thousand Years.